Congratulations to the winners of my August drawing: Meredith M., and Vicki H., who won a copy of Back Story. Thank you to all who entered. You can … [Read more...]
July 2023 Winners
Congratulations to our free book winners for July! Jean H. won an ebook copy of Short and Sweet; Kathleen A. won a copy of The Captive Brides … [Read more...]
Special Drawing Winner – July 2023
The winner of my special drawing for an electronic copy of The Plot Thickens is David Bibb. Congratulations, David! The monthly winners in the regular … [Read more...]
June 2023 Winners
Congratulations to the winners in my June book giveaway. Barbara Raymond won a copy of Maine Brides, and Ann Stewart won a copy of Seven Brides for … [Read more...]
2023 Carol Award Semi-Finalist
Cliffhanger has been named a Mystery/Suspense/Thriller category semi-finalist in the American Christian Fiction Writers 2023 Carol Awards. The Carol … [Read more...]
May 2023 Winners
Congratulations to our free book winners for the month of May! Jane Squires won a copy of Frasier Island, and Rita Lind won a copy of Echo Canyon. … [Read more...]
April 2023 Winners
This month I held two drawings. The regular winners were: James Nichols, who won a copy of Blue Plate Special; and Lelia Reynolds, who won a copy of … [Read more...]
Chief Baker
Tom Baker has his hands full as the new police chief in a small Maine city. On his second day, the town faces a trauma that he must address head-on, … [Read more...]
March 2023 Winners
Congratulations to our March winners! Colleen Conklin won an ebook copy of Off the Record, and Marti Chabot won a paperback copy of The Corporal's … [Read more...]
Skirmish Cove
The following books are included in this series: Cliffhanger - Skirmish Cove Mysteries Book 1 The Novel Inn’s reopening goes smoothly until … [Read more...]